Chapter One :Chapter 1

Zaeef's residence,

Wuse1, Abuja,


When the world is upside down,

It's nice to have someone upside

down with you. Sadly, she hadn't found one yet. There she was, seated at the backyard, lost in thoughts. She recalled how her life had been, six years ago when her father was still alive. She could still picture her father's dying session, what he said to her before he took his last breath.

"YUMNA!!!!" She released a deep sigh when she heard someone calling her from inside. Wiping off her tears, before heading back into the house.

"Na'am Ummi." She semi- yelled when her mother repeated her name, almost reaching the parlour. She met her mum majestically seated on the couch, watching a Hausa film.

She took slow steps towards her mother. Upon arriving, her mother stood up and walked towards her in anger, giving her a sound slap.


"I am s-o-r-r-y." She stuttered, already in tears which had been bagged in her eyes since she was outside.

She roughly grasped her wrist in a hold and squeezed it. She made a face and looked at Yumnah. "Sorry for yourself. I want you to go and put on your Hijab, I want to send you to Hajiya Hau'wa's house."

"Ummi please, you are hurting me." She pleaded, as a tear slipped out of her eyes.

"Don't you ever call me Ummi!" She roared in anger, letting go of her wrist.

She quickly rushed to her room and got her Hijab wiping off the unstoppable tears. She rushed back to the parlour.

Asma'u, the woman she called Ummi explained everything to her and gave her some stuff to take it to Hajiya Hau'wa's house.

"By Allah, if you don't come back early, I'll make sure to break your legs, you bastard!" Asma'u warned, walking out of the parlour.

Yumnah picked up the bag and headed out.

She's the only daughter of Late Alhaji Zaeef Ha'run and Asma'u Ibrahim Yalwa. She's 16 by age and was in SS two.

She reached the Luggah mansion within an hour. She walked into a welcoming environment, everything about the place looked elegant, yet simple. She pressed the bell button, just in time the door burst open.

A lady's figure welcomed her. The woman looked at Yumna in disgust and hatred, before hissing. "Oh! It's you. What brings you here? Came to beg for money or what?"

"I don't have time for this Nabila. Please is your mum home?" Yumna said maturely, brushing off Nabila's attitude.

"How dare you?, who do you think you are, you low class gold digging b*tch!" She cursed, raising her hand to slap Yumna.

"Who's at the door?" A voice uttered, as she quickly kept her hands down.

"Oh Yumna!  What a lovely surprise." Hajiya Hau'wa said, pulling Yumna into a warm hug, she winced in pain, which got Hajiya Hau'wa curious and a bit worried.

"Are you okay dear?" She asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Yumna said, trying hard to mask her emotions.

"Okay then, come inside." Hajiya Hau'wa said and she walked in.

"Nabila dear, go and get Yumna some refreshment." Hajiya Hau'wa said, sitting Yumna down on the couch.

"But Mum, why can't the maid get it, oh I almost forgot, she's a maid herself!" Nabila insulted, shooting hard glares at Yumna.

Ever since the death of Alhaji Abubakar Zaeef, Yumna and her mum haven't been financial stable, due to her mother's carelessness and recklessness. The Luggah's took responsibilities of all their expenses, they have been very supportive and helpful to them which made Nabilah hostile towards Yumna.

"How dare you?" Hajiya Hau'wa semi-yelled in annoyance.

Yumna stood up from the chair, fidgeting with her fingers. She didn't like the scenario at all.  "No aunty, she doesn't need to do that, I'm okay., for a matter of fact, I am just leaving"

"No, No, No, No, you aren't going anywhere till you have dinner with us." Hajiya Hau'wa declined, which got Nabila more angry and annoyed. Out of anger, she stood up and left for her room.

"Aunt I'm sorry, but I really can't stay. Ummi said I should come home early." Yumna declined politely, recalling her mother's warning.

"Don't you worry dear, I'll just call and inform her." Hajiya Hau'wa said, picking her phone from the center table, before dialing Asma'u's number.

"Please aunty, you don't have to do that, I'll just visit someother tim.e" Yumna said in fear, but Hajiya Hau'wa still didn't budge. She informed her Mum about it, to which she agreed.

"I told you she wouldn't mind." She said in excitement.

Yumna knew she was in for it, she knew she was doomed, she knew she would be punished mercilessly. The only one who could save her from her mother's worth was her Lord.

Hajiaya Hau'wa looked at her with curiousness "What are you thinking of, dear?"

"Oh nothing. Is there something I could help you with?" Yumna asked, faking a smile.

"Sure, let's head to the kitchen." Hajiya Hau'wa said, as they made their way to the kitchen. They cooked different dishes and made different deserts, In no time, they were finally done.

"Can you please go upstairs and call Ashraf, Yazid and Nabila?" Hajiya Hau'wa asked, while setting the table. Yumna nodded in response and made her way upstairs.

The first room she went to, was Yazid's room. She softly knocked and within a minute, it was opened.

"Oh! Hey Yumna, what a lovely surprise to see you here," Yazid said, giving her his famous simile.

"Hello Yaz! Aunt said you should come down for dinner." Yumna said with a slight smile.

"Okay! I'll be right there." He replied, to which she nodded in response and left.

She made her way to Nabila's room, she knocked but there wasn't any response, so she left for the next room.

When she reached the door room, she suddenly began to sweat, she felt  nervous and scared to knock. It's been 6 years since she last set her eyes on him. She was busy contemplating whether to open the door or not, when the door suddenly burst open, snapping her back to reality.

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